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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Prayer for Humility

Heavenly Father, we gather before You today with humble hearts, seeking Your guidance and wisdom. We've delved into a series of challenging topics, and we come before You now, recognizing our own need for humility.

Lord, we've explored the dangers of the "good person committee" in our churches and how it can lead us astray. We've discussed the importance of genuine good works, serving from the heart rather than for recognition, and the need to embrace humility.

As we reflect on these lessons, we acknowledge that humility is not easy. It's a virtue that requires us to lay down our pride, our desire for recognition, and our inflated sense of self-importance. Instead, it calls us to lift others up, to serve with a heart full of love and compassion, and to follow the example of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

We pray for Your help, Lord, in humbling ourselves. Help us to recognize that our worth is not measured by the world's standards but by our love for one another. Grant us the strength to resist the temptations of seeking approval and recognition, and instead, help us focus on serving You and our fellow human beings genuinely.

As we conclude this prayer, Lord, we ask for Your continued guidance in our journey towards humility. May our actions and intentions reflect the humility we've discussed in these episodes. We pray for Your transformative power to work in our hearts, enabling us to serve with authenticity and love, free from the trappings of the "good person committee."

In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

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