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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Prayer for Unity, Humility, and Love

Gracious and loving Heavenly Father, we come before you with humble hearts, seeking your guidance and wisdom. We thank you for the powerful messages we have explored in these past three episodes of "A Word from the Vine." We have examined the call to unity, the importance of humility, and the transformative power of love within our Lutheran faith.

Lord, we acknowledge that we have often been consumed with the desire to be right about everything, losing sight of the greater purpose you have called us to. We repent of any arrogance or exclusivity that has hindered the unity of your body, the Church. Help us to lay aside our pride and embrace a spirit of unity that transcends minor differences and theological debates.

We confess that we have fallen into the trap of self-righteousness, failing to adopt a Christ-like attitude of humility. Forgive us for any times we have exalted ourselves and looked down upon others. Teach us to be like Christ, who humbled Himself and became a servant. Grant us the grace to recognize that we are all sinners in need of your abundant mercy and grace.

Father, we lift up our Lutheran churches before you. In an age of competition and limited resources, we pray for wisdom and discernment. Help us to build strong churches that are centered on love and hospitality. May we be known for our genuine love for one another, extending a warm welcome to those who seek refuge in our communities.

Grant us the courage to step beyond the walls of our churches, reaching out to our neighbors and communities with selfless acts of service. Enable us to create a culture where every person feels valued, heard, and supported, regardless of their background or circumstances. Let love flow freely within our congregations, binding us together in a unity that draws others to your love and salvation.

Lord, we ask for your grace to keep our hearts focused on what truly matters—the proclamation of the Gospel. Help us to prioritize unity, humility, and love above being right about everything. Open our eyes to the opportunities for growth and transformation that lie before us.

We pray for the strength and perseverance to continue building strong churches that shine as beacons of light in a world hungry for authentic Christian community. May our churches be known for their love, their hospitality, and their unwavering commitment to your truth.

In the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, we pray. Amen.

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