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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 104: What Are You Filling Your Head With? Listening to God's Voice

Welcome, dear friends, to the final episode of our three part series of "A Word from the Vine," entitled "What are you filling your head with?" I'm Pastor Loren. Throughout this journey, we have explored the impact of the voices we allow into our lives—the sources of information we consume, the entertainment we watch, and now, in this concluding episode, we delve into the significance of listening to God's voice amidst the clamor of competing ideologies and philosophies.

Our scriptural reference for today comes from the book of John, chapter 10, verse 27, where Jesus declares, "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." These powerful words remind us that as children of God, we have the incredible privilege of hearing and recognizing the voice of our Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

In a world filled with noise and confusion, it is vital that we cultivate hearts that are attuned to God's voice. He speaks to us through His Word, the Bible, which serves as our compass and guide. He speaks to us through prayer, as we commune with Him in intimate conversation. And He speaks to us through the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit, who dwells within every believer.

Listening to God's voice requires intentionality and discipline. It means setting aside time each day to engage with His Word, allowing it to penetrate our hearts and transform our thinking. It means seeking His guidance in prayer, surrendering our plans and desires to His perfect will. And it means cultivating a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's leading, allowing Him to direct our steps.

In a world where countless voices vie for our attention, we must discern the voice of our Shepherd above all others. We must develop the spiritual ears to recognize His truth and the wisdom to discern the deceptive voices that seek to lead us astray. By aligning our thoughts and actions with God's Word, we can live lives that bring honor and glory to Him.

As we conclude this series, let us commit ourselves to the practice of listening to God's voice. May we be diligent students of His Word, seeking its timeless wisdom for every aspect of our lives. May we be fervent in prayer, seeking His guidance and surrendering our will to His. And may we be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to empower and direct us on the path of righteousness.

My friends, may the words of Jesus echo in our hearts as we journey forward: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." Let us listen to His voice, knowing that as we do, we will experience His guidance, His peace, and His abundant life.

May God bless you richly as you continue to listen to His voice and follow Him faithfully. Thank you for joining us in this short series of "A Word from the Vine." May the truths we have explored deeply impact and transform your lives.

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