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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 111: Jesus' Ministry and Commissioning of the Twelve Disciples

Good morning, brothers and sisters! I greet you today with great joy as we gather for another episode of "A Word from the Vine." I'm Pastor Loren, and together, we will embark on a journey through Scripture that will fill our hearts with hope and inspiration.

Our passage today takes us to the book of Matthew, chapter 9, starting from verse 35, and continuing to chapter 10, verse 15. In these verses, we witness the remarkable ministry of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. His heart overflows with compassion as he travels from village to village, bringing healing, teaching, and preaching the Good News.

In these words, we witness the depth of Jesus' love for the multitudes. He sees them as sheep without a shepherd, lost and in need of guidance. Jesus' ministry is not merely about physical healing but also about leading souls to the eternal love and salvation found in God's kingdom.

As Jesus sees the great need for laborers in the harvest, he calls his twelve disciples and commissions them for a unique and crucial mission. He imparts upon them divine authority and sends them out to proclaim the kingdom of heaven, mirroring his own ministry.

Before sending them out, Jesus provides his disciples with specific instructions—a guide to navigate the challenges and persecutions they might encounter. He prepares them for the hardships they will face, even from their own families. Yet, in the midst of these trials, Jesus assures them of God's unwavering guidance and faithfulness.

The disciples are instructed to focus their efforts on the lost sheep of Israel, proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven is near. They are granted the power to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and drive out demons—miraculous signs of God's transformative power and boundless love. Through these acts, they are to bring hope and restoration to the brokenhearted and marginalized.

However, Jesus, in his infinite wisdom, warns the disciples of the potential rejection and persecution they may encounter. He urges them not to be discouraged but to trust in God's guidance and provision. Jesus emphasizes the importance of staying steadfast and faithful to their calling, regardless of the response they receive.

Beloved congregation, this passage speaks to us today just as powerfully as it did to the disciples so long ago. As followers of Christ, we too are commissioned to share the good news, to bring healing, and to demonstrate God's love in our broken world. We may face challenges, rejection, and persecution, but we are reminded to trust in God's presence and guidance every step of the way.

As we conclude this episode of "A Word from the Vine," let us carry the message of Jesus' ministry and the commissioning of the twelve disciples in our hearts. May we be inspired to share the love of Christ, extending his healing touch to those in need.

Remember, dear brothers and sisters, we are not alone in this journey. The same God who empowered the disciples is with us today. Let us go forth, proclaiming the kingdom of heaven, and reflecting the light of Christ in all we do.

Until next time, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

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