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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 140: Living with Discernment - Recognizing and Responding to Evil

Updated: Jul 8, 2023

Good evening, my friends, and welcome to another episode of "A Word from the Vine." I'm Pastor Loren Christensen of Danish Countryside Chapel. Today, I want to address a topic that weighs heavily on our hearts - the challenge of recognizing and responding to evil in the world.

Modern logic tells us that we must be nice to everybody, even when they are engaged in acts of evil. We are conditioned to acknowledge people and make small talk with those who wish us harm. But I want to challenge this notion.

The truth is, my friends, we often ignore our friends and relatives while we worry about the approval of those who have no real significance in our lives. We fret over what they think of us, even though they are mere coincidences in our journey.

But I say to you, we don't have to acknowledge everyone we meet on the street. It is perfectly fine to be pleasant or professional, but we should not be cordial to those who actively engage in evil.

Just as Joshua was told to avoid and stay away from those who perpetrate evil, we too are called to distance ourselves from the darkness. If necessary, we should demand that they stay away from us. This is the calling of a Christian.

Another good example is Romans 12:9: "Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good." It's time for Christians to rise up and demand that others start acting appropriately. For too long, we have sat on the bench, smiling as the world circles around us, allowing evil to flourish. But my friends, that time has come to an end.

We must stop nodding in approval when people commit acts of evil. It is time for us to speak out against injustice, to stand up for righteousness, and to reject the ways of the world that lead us astray.

In some circles, Christians have become a group that frowns upon drinking, yet they spend thousands of dollars to elect people who do nothing but perpetrate evil in their name. This hypocrisy must stop.

We judge those who live among us, who need our support and understanding, while we elevate to positions of power and glory those who are the lowest creatures on earth. This, my friends, is not the way of Christ.

And let me make one final point. It is time for America to start holding people accountable for their actions. If individuals don't want to do their jobs, if they spread evil rumors and discontent, if they bring hate into our communities, they have no business being employed by us. It is time to start firing those who cause trouble and disruption. Let them file their lawsuits, for most are too lazy to seek justice in the first place. If a person wants to come to work with a bad attitude and neglect their responsibilities, then let them be removed, and let others witness the consequences. We must put an end to this disregard for those who provide for us in this country.

My friends, I urge you to find discernment in your interactions. Recognize the influence of evil, distance yourself from those engaged in wrongdoing, and uphold the standards of righteousness in your relationships. Let us walk the path of truth and righteousness, following the teachings of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

May the grace of God guide us, and may we find strength to live with discernment in a world filled with evil. Until next time, my friends, stay strong and stay faithful. God bless you all.

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