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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 205: Speaking with Authority

Listen up, my friends, because today we're diving headfirst into a topic that has been burning in my heart. It's time to address something that's driving me absolutely up the wall. Welcome to "A Word from the Vine," and get ready for a no-holds-barred diatribe by me, Pastor Loren.

Our text today comes from the book of Proverbs, Chapter 15, verse 2: "The tongue of the wise commends knowledge, but the mouths of fools pour out folly."

Now, let me get this off my chest - the phrase "I think." Oh, how it grates on my nerves! It seems like these days, everyone's got an opinion about everything, and they're not afraid to voice it, even when they don't know the first thing about what they're talking about.

But here's the rub: speaking without substance, without knowledge, and without expertise, it's all just noise. It's like filling the air with empty words that add nothing to our lives or to the lives of those around us.

The Bible tells us that the tongue of the wise commends knowledge. That means when you speak, you should do so with authority, with a deep understanding of what you're talking about. It shouldn't be about just expressing your thoughts; it should be about sharing knowledge and wisdom.

So, here's my fiery encouragement to you today: before you utter the words "I think," ask yourself if you truly know what you're talking about. Are you an expert on the subject? Have you studied it, lived it, understood it inside and out? If not, maybe it's time to keep your thoughts to yourself and your mouth shut.

We need to be more than just people with opinions. We need to be individuals who are well-informed, who think deeply before we speak, and who bring substance and knowledge into every conversation.

So, my friends, let's strive to be people who speak with authority, not because we think we know, but because we genuinely understand. Let's make our words count for something, and let's honor the wisdom found in Proverbs 15:2.

Thank you for joining me on this journey today. Until next time, remember, speaking with authority is not just about words; it's about wisdom.

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