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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 206: The Power of Expertise

Welcome back to "A Word from the Vine" with yours truly, Pastor Loren Christensen. You know, I've been doing some serious thinking about how we can make a real difference in this world. So, hold onto your seats, because today we're tackling the idea of expertise.

Our guiding light for today is Proverbs 24:5: "A wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge enhances his might."

Folks, it's time to put on our thinking caps and understand that expertise is more than just a fancy word. It's a game-changer. The Bible tells us that a wise man is full of strength, and a man of knowledge enhances his might. You see, knowledge isn't just power; it's the kind of power that can transform the world.

But here's what gets my blood boiling - too many people spend their time yakking about things they don't really understand. They think they can change the world with empty words and shallow opinions. Well, let me tell you, that's just hot air, and it won't move mountains.

So, what's the solution? It's simple yet profound: become an expert in something that truly matters to you. Identify your passion, your calling, and dive deep into it. Whether it's science, art, social justice, or anything else under the sun, become the go-to person, the expert, the one who knows the ins and outs.

When you do this, you're not just enriching your life; you're enhancing your might. You're becoming a force to be reckoned with, a person who can genuinely make an impact on the world. And let me tell you, that's something worth getting passionate about.

My friends, it's time to step up our game. It's time to stop pretending we know it all and start investing our time in acquiring expertise. Let's stop wasting our breath on things we don't truly understand and start becoming experts in what we're passionate about.

Thank you for joining me on this fiery journey today. Until next time, remember, knowledge isn't just power; it's the power to change the world.

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