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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 210: Humbling the Good Person

Greetings, everyone! It's Pastor Loren Christensen, back at it again, and we're wrapping up our short series of "A Word from the Vine" on the "good person committee." Today, we're talking about something that should be near and dear to every Christian's heart: humility.

Let's dive right in with a powerful verse from Philippians 2:3-4:

"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."

Now, folks, you've heard me rant about empty gestures and the need for genuine service. But today, we're getting to the heart of the matter—humility. You see, humility is the antithesis of the "good person committee."

When you're a member of this committee, it's all about you, your image, and your reputation. But here's the harsh truth: you're not as significant as you think you are. No one is. And that's where humility comes in.

Humility means recognizing that we're all flawed human beings, that we're not the center of the universe, and that serving others is more important than self-glorification. It's about caring for others genuinely, not just for a pat on the back.

So, to all you committee members out there, I have a challenge for you. It's time to humble yourselves, to step down from your self-constructed pedestals, and to start looking out for the interests of others. Put others first, count them as more significant than yourselves, and discover the beauty of true humility.

What I want you to take away from this episode is this: humility is the antidote to the "good person committee." It's about recognizing our own imperfections and putting the needs of others above our desire for recognition. It's time to stop seeking the spotlight and start humbly serving those around us.

Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I hope you've learned a thing or two about true humility. Until next time, my friends, let's strive to be humble servants, not self-serving "good people."

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