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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 249: The True Currency of Success

We're back with "A Word from the Vine," I'm Pastor Loren. Today we're diving into the last stretch of truth-telling on this short, three-part series on what true success means. Ladies and gentlemen, I've got a bone to pick with the world's definition of success, so let's unveil this episode as "The True Currency of Success."

I'd like to kick things off with a scripture that should rock your perspective – Matthew 6:19-21: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal."

First things first, we need to expose the colossal lie fed to us daily – the lie that success is measured by the zeros in your bank account, the size of your house, or the number of followers on Facebook you've got. I don't buy it, and neither should you. Success isn't a mansion or a yacht; it's not about hoarding material possessions. That's a shallow game, my friends.

I've seen folks all my life chasing after these empty pursuits. Mark, once a college classmate of mine, and later a high-profile executive had it all – the power, the wealth, societal standing. But at the end, what did it profit him? His achievements crumbled like a house of cards, leaving him with nothing but regret. The world's definition of success is a ticking time bomb, leading to oblivion.

Now, let's talk about the real deal – the true currency of success. It's not about amassing wealth that can rust or be stolen. No, it's about investing in treasures that last for eternity. Relationships, compassion, service to others – that's the true currency of success I mean.

Imagine Mary, an elementary teacher, a simple soul who dedicated her life to helping others. No fancy titles, no wealth accumulation. Yet, at the end, her heart was full, her impact immeasurable. That's a real success story – laying up treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust can touch them.

So, here's my challenge to you, dear listeners. It's time to reconsider your values, to question the definition of success that the world bombards you with. Are you laying up treasures on earth, or are you investing in the things that matter eternally?

Embrace the true currency of success. Let your actions echo in eternity. Build relationships that withstand the tests of time. Show compassion that leaves a lasting impact. Serve others with a selflessness that defies worldly norms. That, my friends, is the true measure of success.

This is Pastor Loren of Danish Countryside Chapel signing off with a challenge to redefine success to live lives that echo in eternity. Until next time, let's go after the real treasures.

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