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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 362: Embracing the Cup

"See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be delivered over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death and deliver him over to the Gentiles. And they will mock him and spit on him, and flog him and kill him. And after three days he will rise." Mark 10:33-34

Grace and peace to you, dear congregation. I'm Pastor Loren Christensen of Danish Countryside Chapel, and this is "A Word from the Vine." As we gather in the presence of our Lord, let us delve into the Word and draw closer to the heart of Christ.

Today, we journey with Jesus and his disciples on the road to Jerusalem. In Mark's Gospel, chapter 10, verses 33 and 34, we hear Jesus' solemn proclamation about his impending fate. He reveals the gravity of what awaits him – betrayal, condemnation, mockery, and death. Yet, intertwined with this foretelling of suffering is the promise of resurrection, the hope that transcends the darkness of the cross.

Imagine the weight of these words upon the hearts of the disciples. Despite Jesus' clear forewarnings, they struggled to comprehend the depth of his sacrifice. Their minds recoiled at the thought of their beloved Rabbi enduring such agony. Like many of us, they grappled with denial, unable to fully grasp the divine purpose behind Jesus' impending death.

But in their struggle, we find echoes of our own journey. How often do we, too, falter in understanding Christ's sacrifice? How easily do we turn away from the harsh reality of the cross, preferring a sanitized version of Christianity devoid of sacrifice and suffering?

Yet, it is precisely in embracing the cup of suffering that we encounter the fullness of Christ's love. Jesus willingly endured the agony of the cross out of boundless love for humanity. His sacrifice was not a mere historical event but a profound expression of divine love, reaching across time and space to embrace each one of us.

Brothers and sisters, let us not shy away from the reality of the cross. Instead, let us embrace it with humility and gratitude, acknowledging the depth of Christ's love poured out for us. As we journey through Lent, may we reflect on the significance of Jesus' sacrifice and recommit ourselves to lives of faithful discipleship.

May the truth of Christ's sacrifice dwell richly in our hearts, guiding us in every step we take. Amen.

Thank you, and may God's peace be with you always.

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