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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 366: Overcoming Fear of Rejection - Courage in the Face of Ridicule

"And as Peter was below in the courtyard, one of the servant girls of the high priest came, and seeing Peter warming himself, she looked at him and said, 'You also were with the Nazarene, Jesus.' But he denied it, saying, 'I neither know nor understand what you mean.' And he went out into the gateway and the rooster crowed. And the servant girl saw him and began again to say to the bystanders, 'This man is one of them.' But again he denied it. And after a little while the bystanders again said to Peter, 'Certainly you are one of them, for you are a Galilean.' But he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, 'I do not know this man of whom you speak.' And immediately the rooster crowed a second time. And Peter remembered how Jesus had said to him, 'Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.' And he broke down and wept." Mark 14:66-72

I'm Pastor Loren Christensen, and this is "A Word from the Vine." Today, dear brothers and sisters, we confront a common struggle that many of us face in our journey of faith—the fear of ridicule and rejection for following Christ. In our passage from the Gospel of Mark, we witness Peter's heartbreaking denial of Jesus, a moment that teaches us valuable lessons about courage, humility, and the unconditional love of our Savior.

Picture the scene: Peter, one of Jesus' closest disciples, finds himself in the courtyard of the high priest's house, surrounded by onlookers who recognize him as a follower of Jesus. When confronted, Peter denies any association with his beloved Teacher not once, but three times, succumbing to the fear of ridicule and rejection.

Yet, even in Peter's moment of weakness, we see the profound depth of Jesus' love and grace. Despite Peter's denial, Jesus never wavers in His love for him. And after His resurrection, Jesus extends forgiveness and restoration to Peter, commissioning him to feed His sheep and proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Brothers and sisters, let us take heart from Peter's story and find courage in the face of ridicule. Just as Jesus knew Peter's heart, He knows each of us intimately, understanding our struggles, our doubts, and our fears. In Christ, we find strength and security, knowing that His love for us is unconditional and unwavering.

No matter how many times we may stumble or fall, Jesus stands ready to extend His hand of grace and restoration to all who repent and turn to Him. Like Peter, we are called to humble ourselves before the Lord, acknowledging our need for His forgiveness and surrendering our lives to His will.

As we reflect on Peter's journey, let us be encouraged to overcome the fear of rejection and stand boldly for our faith in Christ. Let us find courage in His love and grace, knowing that He is with us always, empowering us to live lives that honor and glorify Him.

Thank you for joining me today. May His love sustain us and His grace empower us to shine as lights in a dark and broken world. Amen.

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