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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 371: The Road to Emmaus Encounter - Walking with the Risen Savior

Good evening, friends, and welcome to "A Word from the Vine" coming to you from the Danish Countryside Chapel in Exira, Iowa. I'm Pastor Loren Christensen. I trust that each of you is well and that the grace of our Lord is abounding in your lives.

Today, I want to take you on a journey—a journey along the dusty road to Emmaus, where two disciples encountered the risen Jesus. This encounter, recorded in the Gospel of Luke, is a profound reminder of the presence of our Savior in the ordinary moments of life.

In Luke 24:13-35, we read about Cleopas and another disciple walking along the road to Emmaus, their hearts heavy with grief and confusion following the crucifixion of Jesus. As they journeyed, a stranger joined them—none other than the risen Christ Himself, though they did not recognize Him at first.

As they walked, Jesus opened the Scriptures to them, explaining how the events they had witnessed were part of God's plan of redemption. Yet, it was not until they reached Emmaus and Jesus broke bread with them that their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him for who He truly was.

The significance of this encounter cannot be overstated. It speaks to the presence of Jesus in the ordinary moments of our lives, even when we may not recognize Him at first. Just as Cleopas and his companion encountered Jesus while walking along a dusty road, so too can we encounter Him in the midst of our daily routines and struggles.

The breaking of bread holds particular significance in this story. It was in the simple act of sharing a meal that Cleopas and his companion recognized Jesus. In the same way, the Lord invites us to commune with Him, to partake of His presence, and to recognize Him in the breaking of bread—the sharing of fellowship with one another and with Him.

This encounter with the risen Savior transformed Cleopas and his companion. It ignited a fire within them, prompting them to rush back to Jerusalem to share the good news of Jesus' resurrection with the other disciples. Likewise, encountering the risen Savior in our own lives has the power to transform us and propel us forward in our faith journey.

As we reflect on the road to Emmaus encounter, let us be reminded of the presence of Jesus in our lives, even in the midst of our doubts and struggles. May we have eyes to recognize Him in the ordinary moments, and may His presence ignite a fire within us to share the good news with others.

Thank you for joining me today. May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always.

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