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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 372: Understanding Scripture Through Christ - Revelation and Understanding

Good evening, friends, and welcome back to "A Word from the Vine." I'm Pastor Loren Christensen. As we gather here at the Danish Countryside Chapel, I'm filled with gratitude for the opportunity to delve into God's Word together. Tonight, I want to take us on a journey into the heart of Scripture, exploring how Jesus Christ, our risen Savior, brings revelation and understanding to those who seek Him.

In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24, verses 44 through 49, we find Jesus with his disciples after his resurrection. He speaks to them, saying, "These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled" (Luke 24:44). Here, Jesus emphasizes his role in fulfilling the Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah. Every word, every promise written in Scripture points to Him, and He is the fulfillment of God's plan of redemption.

But Jesus doesn't stop there. He goes on to open the disciples' minds to understand the Scriptures. He says to them, "Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, 'Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance for the forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem'" (Luke 24:45-47).

What a profound moment! Jesus, the Word made flesh, enlightens His followers, revealing the deeper truths hidden within the Scriptures. He shows them how His death and resurrection were foretold by the prophets, and He commissions them to proclaim repentance and forgiveness in His name to all nations.

This commission isn't just for the disciples gathered there—it's for us, too. As believers in Christ, we are called to continue this mission of proclaiming the good news of salvation to the ends of the earth. Just as Jesus opened the minds of His disciples, He opens our hearts and minds today, granting us the understanding we need to navigate the depths of Scripture and to share His love with others.

The significance of Jesus' post-resurrection teaching cannot be overstated. It is through Him that we gain true understanding of God's Word, and it is through Him that we are empowered to fulfill His commission. As we reflect on this passage, let us be reminded of the profound revelation and understanding that comes through Christ, and let us respond with obedience and joy as we share His message of hope with the world.

Thank you for joining me tonight. May the peace of Christ be with you always, and may His Word continue to guide and sustain you.

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