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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 373: Witnessing the Risen Christ - Testimonies of Resurrection Encounters

Good evening, dear friends. This is "A Word from the Vine" with me, Pastor Loren. Tonight, I invite you to journey with me into the incredible accounts of those who encountered the risen Christ after His resurrection. These encounters are not mere stories; they are powerful testimonies that confirm the reality of Jesus' victory over death and His continued presence among His followers.

In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 24, we witness one such encounter as Jesus appears to His disciples in Jerusalem. It says, "As they were talking about these things, Jesus himself stood among them, and said to them, 'Peace to you!'" (Luke 24:36). Can you imagine the astonishment, the sheer disbelief of those disciples as they beheld their beloved Teacher, whom they had seen crucified just days before, now standing alive before them? It was a moment of divine revelation, confirming beyond doubt that Jesus had indeed conquered death.

But Jesus' appearances didn't end there. He revealed Himself to Mary Magdalene at the tomb, to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, and to the gathered disciples in Jerusalem. Each encounter served as a tangible affirmation of His resurrection, instilling faith and courage in those who had followed Him.

Consider Mary Magdalene, whose grief turned to joy when she heard Jesus call her name. In that moment, she knew without a doubt that her Lord was alive. Or think of the disciples on the road to Emmaus, whose hearts burned within them as Jesus opened the Scriptures and revealed Himself to them in the breaking of bread. And how can we forget the gathered disciples in Jerusalem, who marveled as Jesus appeared among them, showing them His hands and feet as proof of His resurrection?

These encounters were not mere coincidences or hallucinations. They were divine interventions, orchestrated by the hand of God to confirm the reality of Jesus' victory over death. And just as He commissioned His disciples to be witnesses of His resurrection, so too does He commission us today to proclaim the message of repentance and forgiveness to all nations.

As we reflect on these resurrection encounters, let us be filled with awe and gratitude for the living Savior who continues to reveal Himself to us. May we, like those first disciples, be empowered by His presence to boldly proclaim the reality of His resurrection and the hope that it brings to all who believe.

Thank you for joining me tonight. May the peace and joy of the risen Christ fill your hearts, now and always.

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