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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 386: Breaking Free from Fear

Welcome, dear listeners, back to "A Word from the Vine," with me, Pastor Loren Christensen, where we confront the tough issues facing our society with the timeless truths of Scripture. Today, we're diving headfirst into the deep waters of fear and asking some hard questions about the culture of safety that has ensnared us. So buckle up, because we're about to challenge some long-held beliefs and ignite a fire of courage in your hearts!

Look around, folks. Everywhere you turn, it's fear, fear, fear. We're bombarded with messages about all the things that could go wrong, all the dangers lurking in the shadows. But let me ask you this: When did we become so afraid to live? When did we start believing that safety is the ultimate goal, even if it means sacrificing our freedom and vitality?

Take, for example, the absurdity of driving kids to school just a few blocks away. I sae this today with a school bus in my hometown, picking up kids living two blocks from school. What happened to the days when children walked to school, their laughter echoing through the streets as they embraced the adventure of the journey? Now, we're wrapping them in bubble wrap and chauffeuring them door to door, as if the mere act of walking has become too risky for their fragile little souls.

But here's the thing, my friends: God did not create us to live in fear. No, He gave us a spirit of power, love, and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7). Let that sink in for a moment. The same God who flung stars into the heavens and breathed life into dust has infused us with His divine power.

So why are we cowering in the face of every imagined danger? Why are we allowing fear to dictate our every move, robbing us of the joy and adventure that life has to offer? It's time to reclaim our God-given power and break free from the chains of fear that bind us.

Brothers and sisters, it's time to shift our perspective. Instead of living in constant fear of what might happen, let's choose faith in the One who holds the future in His hands. Let's trust in God's sovereignty and embrace a balanced approach to risk, rooted in faith rather than fear.

Yes, there are dangers in this world. Yes, bad things happen. But we serve a God who is greater than any threat we may face. He is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). So let's step out in faith, knowing that He goes before us and hems us in behind (Psalm 139:5).

My friends, as we wrap up today's episode, I want to leave you with this challenge: Break free from the culture of fear that surrounds you. Embrace the power, love, and self-control that God has given you. Trust in His promises, and step boldly into the adventure of life, knowing that He is with you every step of the way. So go forth, my brothers and sisters, and live courageously, for the God of angel armies fights for you! Amen.

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