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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 405: Understanding Bullying Through Scripture - The Nature of Bullying

Dear beloved, welcome back to "A Word from the Vine." I'm Pastor Loren Christensen of Danish Countryside Chapel. Today we gather to reflect on a matter that touches the lives of many, yet often remains shrouded in silence. We turn our hearts and minds to the issue of bullying—a behavior that can leave deep scars and question the very nature of our community and love for one another.

Why do we, as humans, sometimes choose to inflict pain upon others? What compels us to belittle, to mock, to isolate? And in this cycle of hurt, what do we truly gain? Even those who have felt the sting of harsh words often find someone they, in turn, can target. Is this a reflection of a societal structure that prizes the winner above all, or is it a manifestation of a deeper, more troubling aspect of our fallen nature?

As we delve into these questions, let us seek guidance from the Word, for it is the light unto our path and the revealer of truths.

In the quiet corners of our schools, workplaces, and even our homes, there exists a tendency to exert power over others through harsh words and actions. This bullying, my friends, is not a simple child’s play—it is a reflection of a broken world where the language of derision often drowns out the whispers of love.

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, implores us:

Ephesians 4:29 - “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

Here, we are reminded that our words carry weight. They have the power to build or to break, to heal or to wound. When we choose to speak ill of our brothers and sisters, we not only harm them but also deny the grace that could flow through our speech.

Let us ponder this: When we engage in bullying, are we not corrupting our own spirit as much as we are the spirit of the one we aim to hurt? For every unkind word spoken, a piece of our own humanity is tarnished.

As we continue our journey today, let us hold fast to the wisdom of the Scriptures, seeking not to be a people of corrupting talk, but a community that builds up, that heals, that extends grace to all.

May the Lord open our hearts to the messages He has for us, and may we be transformed by His Word. Amen.

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