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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 410: Understanding Bullying Through Scripture - The Christian Response

This is "A Word from the Vine," and I'm Pastor Loren Christesen. Brethren, as we contemplate the affliction of bullying within our midst, we must earnestly consider how we, as followers of Christ, are called to respond. Our Lord Jesus Christ exemplified a life of compassion, love, and peace, and it is this example we are to emulate in our daily walk.

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, exhorts us with these words:

Romans 12:18 - “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.”

This scripture does not merely suggest, but commands us to pursue peace in all our relationships. It acknowledges that while we may not have control over the actions of others, we are responsible for our own conduct. As Christians, we are to be peacemakers, actively seeking to diffuse conflict and spread harmony.

How then shall we respond to bullying?

  1. With Compassion: We must look upon those who bully with eyes of compassion, understanding that their actions stem from a place of brokenness. Our response should not be one of judgment, but of prayerful concern for their well-being.

  2. With Courage: We must have the courage to stand up against bullying, whether it be in our schools, workplaces, or communities. This does not mean meeting aggression with aggression, but rather, speaking the truth in love and standing firm in our convictions.

  3. With Support: We must offer support to those who have been bullied, providing a safe space for healing and restoration. Let us be a community that binds up the wounds of the afflicted and walks alongside them in their journey towards wholeness.

  4. With Education: We must educate ourselves and others about the effects of bullying and the importance of treating every individual with dignity and respect. Knowledge can be a powerful tool in changing hearts and minds.

  5. With Action: We must take action where necessary, intervening in situations of bullying and advocating for policies and practices that promote kindness and respect.

In all these things, let us remember that our ultimate goal is not to conquer the bully, but to conquer the spirit of bullying through the power of Christ’s love. For it is love that covers a multitude of sins, and it is love that can transform the hardest of hearts.

As we go forth from this place, may we be emboldened by the Holy Spirit to be ambassadors of peace, reflecting the light of Christ in a world that so desperately needs it. May our lives be a testament to the peace that surpasses all understanding, and may we be instruments of God’s grace in every encounter.

Let us pray for the strength to live out this calling, and may the peace of God reign in our hearts, our homes, and our communities. Amen.

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