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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 411: Understanding Bullying Through Scripture - Overcoming Bullying with Love

Welcome back, dear children of God, to "A Word from the Vine" with me, Pastor Loren. As we draw near to the close of our reflection on bullying, let us anchor ourselves in the most powerful force we have been gifted—love. It is love that called creation into being, love that was embodied in Christ, and love that sustains us through every trial.

The Apostle Peter imparts to us a profound truth:

1 Peter 4:8 - “Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.”

In this simple yet profound exhortation, we find the antidote to bullying. Love, when it is earnest and true, has the capacity to heal wounds, to bridge divides, and to cover over the multitude of sins that separate us from one another and from God.

To overcome bullying, we must commit to loving—not with a love that is passive or complacent, but with a love that acts, that speaks, that stands firm in the face of injustice. This love is understanding; it seeks to know the heart of the other. It is patient; it does not retaliate in anger. It is kind; it extends grace even to those who seem least deserving.

As we encourage one another in this love, let us remember that it is not a love of our own making. It is a reflection of the divine love that has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.

In conclusion, my beloved, let us recapitulate the essence of today’s message:

  • We have explored the nature of bullying, recognizing that our words have the power to build up or to tear down.

  • We have examined the cycle of hurt, understanding that those who have been bullied may themselves become bullies, perpetuating a cycle of pain.

  • We have questioned the gain from pain, acknowledging that the perceived gains from bullying are but a mirage that leads to further emptiness.

  • We have considered the influence of societal structures on bullying, challenging ourselves to use our resources for the good of others rather than for personal gain.

  • We have confronted the root of evil within the human heart, recognizing our need for God’s transforming grace.

  • We have discussed the Christian response to bullying, committing ourselves to be peacemakers and advocates for peace and justice.

  • And finally, we have been reminded to overcome bullying with love, for it is love that covers a multitude of sins and has the power to transform hearts and communities.

Let us go forth from this place, emboldened by the love of Christ, to be lights in the darkness, salt in a tasteless world, and leaven in a society that so often seems flat and unyielding. May the love of God, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all, now and forevermore. Amen.

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