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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 434: Stop Lying and Start Speaking the Truth

Welcome back to “A Word from the Vine.” I'm Pastor Loren Christensen of Danish Countryside Chapel in Exira Iowa. Today, we delve into the essence of living authentically as Christians. As members of the body of Christ, we are called to live in truth. This means not only avoiding lies but embracing honesty in every aspect of our lives. Living authentically is not just a personal choice; it is a divine mandate that strengthens our relationship with God and with each other.

Our scriptural reference for today comes from Ephesians 4:25: “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another.”

Falsehood, whether in word or action, is a serious issue that affects more than just our personal integrity. It undermines the unity of the church and damages our witness to the world. When we lie, we not only deceive others but also ourselves, creating a barrier between us and God. The gravity of deceit in a believer’s life cannot be overstated. It erodes trust, fosters division, and hinders the work of the Holy Spirit within us and among us.

I challenge you today to examine your life for areas where you may be living in falsehood. This could be through outright lies, hypocrisy, or even self-deception. Are there aspects of your life where you are not being truthful with yourself, with others, or with God? It’s time to confront these areas, repent, and commit to living in truth. Remember, repentance is not just about feeling sorry; it’s about making a conscious decision to turn away from falsehood and embrace honesty.

Here are some practical steps to help you embrace honesty in all your interactions:

  • Be Transparent with God: Start by being honest in your prayers. Confess your struggles and ask for His help in overcoming deceit.

  • Self-Reflection: Regularly examine your motives and actions. Are they aligned with the truth?

  • Accountability: Find a trusted friend or mentor who can hold you accountable and encourage you to live truthfully.

  • Speak the Truth in Love: When you communicate with others, do so with honesty and compassion. Avoid exaggeration and half-truths.

  • Integrity in Actions: Ensure that your actions match your words. Live in a way that reflects the truth of the Gospel.

Living in truth is a journey, and it requires daily commitment. But as we strive to be honest in all things, we will see the fruit of unity, trust, and spiritual growth in our lives and in our church community.

Thank you for joining me today on “A Word from the Vine.” Let’s commit together to stop lying and start speaking the truth, for we are members one of another. God bless you.


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