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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 44: The Question of Cosmic Orientation in Plato's "Republic" and the Bible

Welcome to "A Word for the Vine." Today, we continue our series on Plato's "The Republic" and its relation to the Bible. In this episode, we will explore the topic of cosmic orientation.

In "The Republic," Plato writes about the idea of a cosmic order, or a "great soul" that governs the universe. He argues that humans should strive to align themselves with this cosmic order by living a just life and pursuing wisdom. This concept of cosmic orientation is not foreign to the Bible. In fact, the Bible teaches that God created the universe with order and purpose, and that humans are called to align themselves with His will.

In the book of Colossians, the apostle Paul writes that Christ is the image of the invisible God, and that all things were created through Him and for Him. This means that the universe has a purpose and is ordered according to God's plan. As Christians, we are called to align ourselves with God's will and seek to live in harmony with His purpose.

The book of Psalms is filled with passages that speak to this idea of cosmic orientation. For example, in Psalm 19, the psalmist writes that "the heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." This passage emphasizes the idea that the universe is a reflection of God's glory and that humans should seek to align themselves with this cosmic order.

Another important aspect of cosmic orientation is the idea of stewardship. In the book of Genesis, God gives humans dominion over the earth and its resources. This means that we are responsible for caring for the earth and using its resources in a way that is consistent with God's plan. We are not to exploit or abuse the earth, but rather to use its resources in a way that glorifies God and reflects His character.

In conclusion, the concept of cosmic orientation is an important one in both Plato's "Republic" and the Bible. Both teach that the universe is ordered according to a higher purpose, and that humans are called to align themselves with this cosmic order. As Christians, we are called to seek God's will and live in harmony with His purpose for the universe. Let us strive to be good stewards of the earth and use its resources in a way that reflects God's character and glorifies Him. Thank you for joining us for "A Word for the Vine." I'm Pastor Loren Christensen.

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