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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 466: Living Out the Kingdom Values

Welcome back to “A Word from the Vine.” I’m Pastor Loren from Danish Countryside Chapel. Today, we’re going to wrap up our short, four-part series by discussing how we can live out the values of the Kingdom of God in our daily lives.

Over the past few episodes, we’ve explored some profound teachings from Jesus in Mark 10. We’ve talked about the sanctity of marriage, the value of children, and the qualities needed to enter the Kingdom of God. Today, we’ll bring it all together and discuss how we can apply these lessons in our everyday lives.

Living out the values of the Kingdom of God means embodying the principles Jesus taught us—commitment and faithfulness in marriage, nurturing and valuing children, and approaching God with trust, dependence, and humility.

Let’s consider a family in our community. The parents are committed to each other, working through challenges with love and faithfulness. They nurture their children, teaching them about God’s love and showing them by example how to live a life of faith. This family also approaches God with a childlike heart, trusting Him in all circumstances and depending on His guidance.

Here are some ideas of mine on how we can live out these values.

  1. In Marriage:

    Commitment and Faithfulness: Make a daily commitment to love and support your spouse. Pray together and seek God’s guidance in your relationship.

    A couple can pray together every night, discussing their day and seeking God’s wisdom for their future. This practice strengthens their bond and keeps God at the center of their marriage.

  2. With Children:

    Nurturing and Valuing: Invest time and energy in your children’s spiritual growth. Teach them about God’s love and encourage them to develop their own relationship with Him.

    A parent can read Bible stories to their children every night, discussing the lessons and praying together. This not only teaches the children about God but also creates a strong family bond.

  3. In Our Faith:

    Trust, Dependence, and Humility: Approach God with a childlike heart. Trust in His promises, depend on His strength, and be humble in your faith.

    An individual who faces a difficult decision can choose to pray and seek God’s guidance, trusting that He will provide the right path. This act of faith not only brings peace but also strengthens their relationship with God.

Take a moment to reflect on other ways we can incorporate these values into our daily lives. How can we be more committed in our marriages, more nurturing to our children, and more trusting and humble in our faith?

Thank you for joining me today on “A Word from the Vine.” As we go about our lives, let’s strive to live out the values of the Kingdom of God. By doing so, we not only honor Jesus’ teachings but also transform our lives and our communities. Until next time, may God bless you and keep you.

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