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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 54: Public or Private? Confessing Our Wrongs

Welcome back to "A Word from the Vine." I'm Pastor Loren Christensen. In this episode, I will discuss the importance of discerning when it is appropriate to keep things private and when it is necessary to announce our wrongs publicly.

As Christians, we are called to bring about change and promote healing, and sometimes that requires public acknowledgement of our mistakes. By doing so, we can demonstrate our commitment to honesty, accountability, and growth, both as individuals and as a community. As Luke 8:17 tells us, everything that is concealed will eventually be brought to light, so it is better to confront our mistakes now rather than allowing them to fester in secrecy. However, there may be situations where it is appropriate to keep things private, and I will discuss how to discern when that is the case. Ultimately, the goal is to promote healing and reconciliation, and we must act in accordance with that goal.

We must also recognize that there are times when it is appropriate to keep things private. Confessing our wrongs in private may be more appropriate if it involves a personal matter that does not affect others or if it could cause more harm than good to publicly announce it. However, when our wrongs have hurt others or have contributed to systemic issues, it may be necessary to publicly confess and take accountability.

We can see the importance of honesty and vulnerability in promoting healing and growth. We must also remember that confession and repentance are not one-time events but ongoing processes that require constant self-reflection and commitment to change.

Ultimately, whether we choose to confess our wrongs privately or publicly, we must do so with humility and a genuine desire to make amends and grow as individuals and as a community. By doing so, we can move towards a future of reconciliation, peace, and prosperity for all. Thanks for joining us today for "A Word from the Vine."

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