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Writer's pictureChris Meyer

A Word from the Vine No. 68: Ascending to Glory - The Significance of Ascension Day

Welcome to another episode of "A Word from the Vine." Today is a special day in the Christian calendar. It's Ascension Day, a day of great significance for believers around the world. Today, we will explore the meaning of Ascension Day and its profound implications for our faith.

Ascension Day commemorates the ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ into heaven, forty days after his resurrection. It marks the culmination of his earthly ministry and the beginning of his exalted reign at the right hand of the Father. The significance of this event cannot be overstated, as it holds deep theological truths and promises for all believers.

The ascension of Jesus is not merely a historical event but a pivotal moment in God's redemptive plan. It reveals several profound truths about our Lord and his ongoing work in our lives. Let's explore them together.

First, the Ascension affirms Jesus' divine nature as the Son of God. In Luke 24:51, we read that as Jesus was blessing his disciples, he was lifted up into heaven. This act of ascending demonstrates his authority and power over all creation. It reveals his true identity as the divine Son of God, who has conquered sin and death.

Second, the Ascension marks Jesus' triumphant entry into glory. In Ephesians 1:20-21, the apostle Paul tells us that God raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority. Through his Ascension, Jesus entered into his rightful place of honor and power, ruling over all things for the sake of his Church.

Third, the Ascension assures us of Jesus' continued presence and intercession for us. In Hebrews 7:25, we are reminded that Jesus lives forever to intercede for us before the Father. Though he ascended into heaven, he remains intimately involved in our lives, advocating for us and extending his grace and mercy to all who believe in him.

Lastly, the Ascension points us to our future hope and the promise of Christ's return. In Acts 1:11, the angels declare to the disciples, "This Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him go into heaven." Just as Jesus ascended, he will one day return in glory, bringing the fulfillment of God's kingdom and the restoration of all things.

As we reflect on the significance of Ascension Day, let us remember that Jesus, our risen and ascended Lord, is not distant from us. He is present in our lives, empowering us through his Holy Spirit and interceding for us in the heavenly realms.

Today, let us rejoice in the victory of the Ascension and the hope it brings. Let us live in the light of Christ's exaltation, faithfully serving him and sharing the good news of salvation with others.

Thank you for joining us on this special episode of "A Word from the Vine." May the truth of Christ's Ascension resonate in your hearts. I'm Pastor Loren Christensen of Danish Countryside Chapel.

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